Thursday, September 24, 2009


I was very excited to read this article in the Gazette about the upcoming project to widen Collins Road. Although I am not so excited about the road widening part as I am about the fact that there are finally going to be sidewalks along the the portion of First Avenue east of 40th street.

Not only do I think that all roads (other than interstates and rural roads) should have sidewalks, but especially this area of First Avenue. The area in question is mainly commercial zoning and I have always thought it was ludicrous that I had to put my life in fairly significant danger to go from one shopping complex to the one across the road from it. In addition, 1st Ave is one of the few ways to get from Cedar Rapids to Marion (for two neighboring cities, they don't have many connections).

One thing the article doesn't say, and I am trying to figure out, does the improvements to Collins Road include sidewalks? I hope one of my three regular readers knows.